North United Methodist Church, Manchester, CT
North United Methodist Church

300 Parker Street
Manchester, CT 06042

Phone: (860) 649-3696

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Welcome to North United Methodist Church

North Church is committed to providing:

Our Staff:

As followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ, North United Methodist Church strives to be an inclusive community. We welcome, respect and celebrate persons of every race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, ability, family status, age and economic circumstance. We want you to feel at home and know that you belong here.

Whether you are here for the first time or the thousandth time, we want you to feel at home and know you belong. If you are just passing through, we hope that our worship will provide you with food for the journey.

Membership in North Church is open to everyone who wishes to join in covenant with us as we struggle to be God's people in the world. In our membership vows, we declare ourselves to be followers of Jesus Christ and promise to uphold His church by our PRAYERS, our PRESENCE, our GIFTS, our SERVICE, and our WITNESS.

See more of our Building and read some of the History of NUMC

A Brief History


North Church is one of the oldest Methodist churches in New England. The Rev. Jesse Lee, an early circuit rider from Virginia, preached the first Methodist sermon in Connecticut in Norwalk on June 7th, 1789. In the spring of 1790, The Rev. George Roberts, one of Jesse Lee's assistants, preached in Manchester at the home of Thomas Spencer. In August, The Rev. Roberts met there with a group of dedicated laity and organized the first Methodist Society in town. The Society built the first Methodist church in Manchester on that site in 1794. The first Methodist Bishop, Francis Asbury, preached there, as did Jesse Lee. In warm weather the sermon was preached outside underneath the Old Methodist Elm.

In 1822, a building was constructed at the corner of Center and Main Streets in Manchester Center. In the spring of 1851, the congregation decided that the town would be better served by forming two new Methodist congregations. Seventy-seven members went North with the pulpit Bible. One hundred and sixty-eight members became the South Charge, which soon built a new church on their present site at the corner of Main Street and Hartford Road.

The Rev. George Brewster was appointed to serve North Church and preached his first sermon on April 18th in a schoolhouse located on the northeast corner of Main and Woodbridge Streets. His text was Acts 10:29: "Therefore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for: I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me." That day, a congregation of 20 braved a storm of wind and snow to welcome the new pastor. The congregation grew quickly: A building committee was formed to provide a permanent home, and the new building for the North Methodist Episcopal Church was dedicated on October 15, 1851, at 447 North Main Street.

A hundred years later, in the 1950s, North Church felt the need for larger quarters, especially for the church school. In 1955 the present property was purchased. The cornerstone was laid in 1957, and the first service was held in the new building on September 28, 1958. The Rev. H. Osgood Bennett, who later served more than a decade as our Minister of Visitation, was pastor when the new church was built.

The church bell from the first North Church building -- cast in 1860 -- was exhibited on the grounds of the new church for many years. That is until the late 1970s, which brought a renovation program: The sanctuary ceiling was made higher; North Church also purchased a new organ, enlarged the church offices, added a church steeple, and installed an entry ramp for the handicapped. Herewith the church bell was moved inside; it peals three times at the beginning and end of each worship service.

Because of our ongoing growth, North Church has expanded yet again. In the summer of 2000, The Rev. Dr. William Trench preached in our newly enlarged, air conditioned sanctuary. Coupled hereto were new Sunday school rooms, a new organ, and a new entrance.

Though loathe to address negative events, the great recession of 2008 hit us hard as many people lost their jobs and moved away. In 2013 we made the change to a half time pastor to put our congregation in a better fiscal position to work back toward vibrant health.

In early 2015 our Church Council voted to explore the process of becoming a Reconciling Ministry, formally affirming our openness to all, including the LGBTQ community. A Reconciling Ministries Welcoming Task Force met for over a year and has offered several opportunities for discussion, learning and Bible Study to consider issues of diversity and the church.

On September 18, 2016, North Church voted unanimously to become a Reconciling Ministry, formally affirming our openness to all, including the LGBTQ community. The following Statement of Welcome was unanimously adopted :

As followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ, North United Methodist Church strives to be an inclusive community. We welcome, respect and celebrate persons of every race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, ability, family status, age and economic circumstance. We want you to feel at home and know that you belong here.

For over 200 hundred years, North Church has proclaimed the Good News of God in Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. We welcome you to join us for the next 200!

Inside and Out